
ابحث واندهش بالنتائج

الخميس، يوليو 13، 2017

Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Hello

My name is Mrs. Azrina Razif. I have a proposal for you

Please reply:

Caitlin Redmond
International Student Support Specialist

Kalamazoo Valley Community College

Top 5 Strengths: Woo, Empathy, Communication, Input, Responsibility

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Caitlin Redmond <
To: Diane Finch <
Sent: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 09:46:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Hello

Hi Diane,

I hope you're having safe and fun travels!
I hav
Just touching base with you:

    Email inquiry- Last week I followed up to an email from "Muhammad" requesting info on intl application
    Emails were sent to: FPP EduFindMe leads; Keystone leads and prospective students with specific questions; and EducationUSA Advisors
    Pictures- e
I am praying for your stepdad!

Warm regards,

Caitlin Redmond
International Student Support Specialist

Kalamazoo Valley Community College

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يهمنا النقد البناء والرأي العام
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ابحث ba7gar وأندهش بالنتائج