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الثلاثاء، مايو 01، 2012

㋡//\\Mazen_Group\//㋡ Ultra Slim 30-Nanometer Flash Memory //\\(MAzEn)‎‎‎\\//:)


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Samsung's New Ultra Slim 30-Nanometer Flash Memory Chips Will Cause Gadget Shrinkage


With stacks of eight being only 0.6mm thick, Samsung's new 30-nanometer NAND chips are practically anorexic, but for once that's a good thing. Thinner chips like these could bring smaller gadgets and hopefully also lead to lower SSD prices.

According to Samsung, their new chips are actually the slimmest ever and "40% thinner and lighter than a conventional memory package." Whether those details are true or not, I look forward to seeing them hit the market and start slipping into newer, smaller gadgets.





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