
ابحث واندهش بالنتائج

الجمعة، يونيو 30، 2017

Re: !

نيابة عن الأمير السعودي الوليد بن طلال، تبرع الوليد 2،000،000.00 لك. وإرسال رقم الهاتف، وعنوان للمطالبة

----- Original Message -----
From: Fouda Hamza <>
To: Eric GUIBAL <>, 'Shengye WANG' <>, 'Thierry VINCENT' <>
Sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 19:28:18 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Results of uptake capacity as function of pH of modified alginate amidoxime and goodby my friends

Dear prof. Eric/friends; Terriy and Chengy

Thanks for the nice time that spent with you and learning a lot of things especially to be lazy (I doubt that I success in this item tell now) hopping to see you in the nearest future. I wrote this massage with
confidence that we will meet again and again. It is honor to work with you, I will call you before leaving IN SHAA

The attached file is the uptake capacity of alginate amidoxime
 toward uranium as an effect of pH (the experiment was duplicated), I think the most suitable pH value is 5, and I am sure that there are no precipitation during adjusting pH. It has high uptake capacity and the I think
will has high kinetic  adsorption. But I think 
we will face a problem in the reuses because I think it alginate amidoxime has low stability it seems during loading. If it is found we can improve this by changing the additive ratios, or add some reagents to make it more stable.

Also is there is a time you can comparison the uptake capacity of alginate and algal/ amidoxime to ward U.

Keep in touch

God bless you and your families

I hate goodby but I must said to you












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