
ابحث واندهش بالنتائج

الخميس، أكتوبر 31، 2013

My Dearest Friend


My Dearest Friend This is to thank you for your effort. I understand that your hands were tied. Not to worry. I have succeeded and the money has been transferred into the account provided by a newly found friend of mine in Australia. To appreciate your past assistance and commitments I have dropped an automatic teller machine of $4.500.000 Us Dollars for you. I am now in hospital for treatment of cancer which may led me to die any moment from now, please remember to pay 10 percent to charity organization and remain balance is for you and your family. Moreover, contact Mr Abeni Johnson With below info to enable him delivery the ATM to you Contact person: Mr Abeni Johnson Email: ( Tel;+22968513682 Forward my mail to him, and then ask him to send the ATM card to you and provide him the following information. 1. Your Full Name........ 2. Nationality........ 3. Your Age ........ 4. Your Occupation................ 5. Telephone And Fax Number........... 6. Your current Home Address............ Take good care of your self and more bless. Regards, Mrs Patricia

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