
ابحث واندهش بالنتائج

الخميس، يناير 16، 2014

..Mtnsh.. أغرب صور من داخل بركان نشط





أغرب صور من داخل بركان نشط

المصور الروسي البالغ من العمر 33 عاما دينيس Budkov جنبا إلى جنب مع مجموعة من السياح على حافة بركان نشط في كامتشاتكا على بعد 300 متر.

The team on route to the crater of the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

Smoke billows from the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

Smoke billows from the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

A group of tourists overlook the huge volcano crater. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

A tourist stands on the edge of the fountain of lava. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The Plosky Tolbachik volcano erupting. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The underground entrance to the volcano resembles a scene from the latest Hobbit movie. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The underground entrance to the volcano resembles a scene from the latest Hobbit movie. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

Edge of the crater volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The underground entrance to the volcano resembles a scene from the latest Hobbit movie. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The molten lava from the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The molten lava from the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

The molten lava from the Plosky Tolbachik volcano. (Photo by Denis Budkov/Caters News)

أغرب صور من داخل بركان نشط




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